Co-curricular activities form an integral part of MIET School. Our clubs are epicentre of various activities. The clubs help the students to build confidence enrich self-reliance and open new avenues for further development of leadership skills.


The club Literati encourages the students to develop intellectual and independent thinking. Students’ skills are ameliorated overtime and they are given exposure to master the art of a oratory and creative writing.
Debates, speeches, turn the coat ,extempore and other competitions are held on and off. Besides widening their horizon, students are encouraged to read the books from the well stocked library of school.


Bharat a country renowned for its ancient culture is a storehouse of diversified traditions and numerous religions. Responsibility on this club is huge for it is not just a club with some activity but it transplants our traditions and culture in the generation next, weaves the thread of modernity and produce a yarn totally new in texture, shine and glory in all respect.


“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not greed.”

Environment club makes the generation next aware about natural resources and encourages them to seize the dilapidation of nature at their own accord. Be it helping our students to participate in green culture by conducting workshops and competitions. On Earth Day, the club conducts debates on water conservation and pollution etc to make our students remember their duties towards the earth. The club conducts various skits and acts to acknowledge them about the changing facts of our surroundings.


With the objective of inculcating values like discipline, service ,humanity ,love for nature and respect for human values the Humanity club was established. It aims to bring together different cultures, people and religions.

It makes the students able to decide what is important in their own life and what can be done to make it better. It helps the children to address the challenges we face together as a nation by conducting some activities.


Commerce club aims to develop business acumen among the students who are budding entrepreneurs of tomorrow by organizing field trips and lectures by experts.

To expose the students to meet the practical challenges in the current business scenario plethora activities like enterprising projects by putting up stalls of reliable items to teach profit and sales strategies are organised.


Today is the era of technology. IT club ensures to develop the technical knowledge and skills of the students.

To enhance the communication and interpersonal skills of the students the club prepares many projects and PPT etc. It provides corporate and industry exposure to the students in the modern era.


Art gives children a unique means of expression, capturing their passion with emotion and allow them to explore new ideas.

The club aims to boost self confidence and curiosity of children by their brush. Still life and all simple brush paintings are the part of club activity.


The club aims to make the students learn mathematics with fun. It endeavours to help students to grasp mathematical concepts better through activities like puzzles, shortcuts in calculations and games. It organizes Maths Olympiads to facilitate a better grasp of concepts .The club sensitizes children about this subject and make them aware of the latest development taking place in the field of modern mathematics.


The club encourages the students to delve into the concepts that arouse their curiosity in science which significantly develop imagination ,creativity , create a logical and analytical approach among them .It provides the students an opportunity to develop scientific attitude, self expression independent research and constructive activities. Their scientific concepts are cleared through experiments in well equipped labs.


“Blessed is he that considereth the poor.”

The community service club regularly organizes philanthropic drives to develop ethical values in the students. To instill compassion for weaker section in students, the club organizes a visit to nearby slum. The students donate clothes, eatables, toy etc. to the children. To develop respect for elderly people of the society, the club takes the students to old age homes of the city. The students listen their precious experiences and senior citizens feel content to meet youngsters.


Music expresses something which can’t be expressed in words and can’t remain silent. The club makes its presence felt in every important event throughout the year where students showcase their talent by active participation in morning assembly, special days, celebrations and competitions.


“Apart from education you need good health and for that you need to play sports.”

The school is fortunate enough to have excellent facilities for sports. The club develops positive attitude, self-confidence, courage and patience in students. It encourages and motivates the students to involve in various sports activities at both inter and intra school level and prepares the students to bring laurels to the school.